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Theme Hospital Windows 7 Ita Download Torrent

  1. Theme Hospital Windows 7 Ita Download Torrent Torrent
  2. Download Theme Hospital Windows 10

Game Information

Anyway, after searching online and trying some things out on my own, I found that the best way to play this on my computer was using DOSbox, a DOS emulater. It was a quick download and a (mostly) painless setup to make Theme Hospital. Mar 31, 1997  For Theme Hospital on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled '**How To Play Theme Hospital on 64-bit Windows 7**'.

Official NameTheme Hospital
VersionFull Game
File UploadTorrent
Developer (s)Bullfrog Productions
Publisher (s)Electronic Arts
Composer (s)Tony Cox
Platform (s)PC, Windows
Release date (s)31 March 1997
Genre (s)Business simulation
Mode (s)Single-player, multiplayer




Theme Hospital Full PC Game Overview

Theme Hospital download free. full Game is a business simulation game developed byBullfrog Productions and published by Electronic Arts in1997, in which the player designs and operates ahospital. Like most of Bullfrog's games, Theme Hospital is permeated by an eccentric sense of humour. The game is the thematic successor toTheme Park, a game also produced by Bullfrog. The game was a massive commercial success, selling over 4 million copies worldwide.

General information

The game's campaign sees the player moving from one hospital to another, where within each the player is required to build an environment which will attract patients with comical complaints, illnesses, emergencies, and diseases, and then treat them while tending to their needs. The game has a somewhat dark sense of humour, which is similar to that of Theme Park in many ways (such as in terms of deaths). Theme Hospital Free Download.

While the player has no direct control over the patients who wander the hospital, they do however have some influence over whether to evict them from the hospital (whether they are close to death or being a nuisance) or determining what to do with them when given a choice by the hospital's staff; the player can pick up any staff member in the building and move them to a different area (whether to reassign some to another room, send them to get rest), and also fire them if they argue about pay or are no longer required.

The player may also force patients into taking a chance at a possible cure for their suspected disease, at the risk of killing the patient (this is useful, for example, if a patient is about to die but has already completed enough diagnostics requirements to identify the kind of disease the patient is suffering from) and rearrange the queue of each of the rooms in the hospital (useful for moving dying patients to the front of the queue so they can receive treatment first, or move those forward who need to be diagnosed more).

Each level consists of an empty hospital to plan and design with various rooms and facilities (which are added to by research and later levels), with set goals in the fields of financial attainment, hospital reputation, patients cured, percent of patients cured, and hospital value. Holding negative funds or allowing sufficient patients to die will bring about losing requirements. When the goals have been met the player has the option to move on to a new, more elaborate hospital with tougher winning conditions and more diseases present, or stick with their current one until they are ready to move; the final level of the game has everything available, and if completed, finishes the campaign. Theme Hospital Free Download PC Game.

During development, the game was to feature real diseases that would be researched and cured, but before release, the game developers chose to change this around and instead replaced them with fictional comedy afflictions; some things like surgery, x-ray, cardiography and psychiatry still remain as connection to real methods of diagnosis and treatment.


The game revolves around the player designing a hospital from scratch, where they must set out building up rooms (or facilities) in a hospital, and hiring doctors, nurses, handymen and receptionists to operate it. Rooms are built by placing down a blueprint, assigning the location of doors and windows, and then placing down furniture (each room has needed items, but can have more added to it); the bigger the room, the more windows it has, and the more equipped it is, the happier the staff member will be in it. In addition to rooms, the player may also set up items in the open corridor spaces provided, including drink machines, benches, plants, fire extinguishers, and reception desks (the latter is needed to assign patients to a GP's office). Rooms can be edited at any time to change them around, or remove them at any time. In addition, the player may adjust the temperature given out by the radiators in their hospital, and even purchase land to expand their hospital into, providing more space for additional rooms. Theme Hospital for PC.

Some rooms are fundamentally required for the running of the hospital and to ensure a good start for it, such as GP's offices (to start and finish the diagnosis process), Staff Rooms (the more items dedicated to rest, the quicker staff will recover), and Toilets (patients who spend a good amount of time in the hospital will need to go here), while others provide aid in further diagnosis or in giving treatment. Most rooms provided have machinery which has to be maintained; if they get overused and neglected for a long time, they may explode, destroying a room (which then can't be removed) and killing any patients & staff within them. To avoid this, players can have the equipment repaired, or replaced (at a cost).

Rooms are divided into 4 categories: Diagnosis, Treatment, Clinics, and Facilities. They function as follows:

  • Diagnosis — Patients are checked out by these rooms to determine their illness. GP Office's begin and end the process, and using more of different types of rooms aids in discovering a patient's illness more efficiently.
  • Treatment — These rooms provide treatment to patients who suffer from illness, an internal body problem or a mental illness. Such rooms become needed in the long-term running of a hospital (both the Ward and Psychiatric both cover this category and Diagnosis).
  • Clinics — Special rooms to deal with more visible (and comical diseases), such as «Bloaty Head», «Slack Tongue», and «Fractured Bones». These rooms require constant attention by the hospital's staff to keep them well-maintained.
  • Facilities — Important rooms dedicated to resting staff, training them, researching improvements, cures, new equipment and such like, and providing a place for patients go to the toilet.

Patients are attracted to the hospital, in part, by the reputation of the hospital and the cost of treatment there. They arrive with a number of amusing fictional illnesses which must be diagnosed and cured to earn money and achieve targets set by the game. Rooms and equipment to treat fictional and comical diseases, must be researched first before they can be placed in the hospital, while other conditions (like «Heaped Piles», «Uncommon Cold» and «The Squits») can have research done to improve the efficiency of its cure provided by the pharmacy. Patients also require their needs to be looked after, including warmth and drink, and placing down plants to help them feel comfortable. Icons above their head are a good indicator of what they are thinking about, in terms of your hospital. Patients can die, if they are treated to within time, or a treatment does not cure them.

During the course of a level, the player is usually faced with various events, most of which are brought to the players attention by the hospital announcer and/or faxes:

  • Staff Demand — Players are tasked to deal with an upset staff member, by either giving a bonus/pay rise, or firing them.
  • VIP Visit — A VIP wishes to view the hospital. Players could fob them off with excuses (too many times, and the VIP comes), or let them come over and check it out. A good visit nets cash, and a possible reputation bonus (if they liked what they saw), while a bad visit can do the reverse.
  • Boiler Breakdown — The hospital's boiler breaks down, leading to the hospital becoming quite hot or cold until it is fixed.
  • Patient Choice — A patient can have two things happen to them; either all methods of current diagnosis have been used to no avail, the patient has been identified with a disease but treatment is unavailable or the patient is suspected of having a disease to a certain percentage. Players can chose to either send them home, or send them to the research department, in all cases, or decide on the following as the third option:
  • Take a chance on a possible cure (Suspected Disease)
  • Wait in hospital for new rooms to be built (More Diagnosis/Identified Disease)
  • Emergency — The player can chose to take on a medical emergency or refuse it. If they chose to do so, patients arrive at the hospital's helipad, and must be treated within a time limit. Patients have a flashing blue-light icon above their head, and head to the appropriate room for their treatment. If the player can treat many or all before time runs out, they can receive a cash bonus (emergencies treated can be cured or killed, and can add cash and raise/lower the hospital reputation, like ordinary patients).
  • Earthquake — The hospital is hit by an earthquake, which damages all equipment within. Sometimes a tremor hits to warn of one incoming, allowing a players to prepare for it.
  • Epidemic — An epidemic (not available on the EU PlayStation version) is discovered in the hospital by staff, who have found an infectiousdisease. Players can chose to declare one (at the cost of being hit with a fine and a reputation loss), or cover it up. To cover it up, the player must have infected patients quickly vaccinated before they can pass it on to other patients, and then be given treatment, within a time limit, needing any nurse not assigned to a room to do the job (patients have to be marked by the player) to do the vaccinating. If an infected patient leaves or time runs out, a member of the Ministry of Health is sent to check it out. If the player failed to contain it and deal with it, a severe fine and reputation loss is issued (although this is glitched in some versions of the game and sometimes fine the players less if they try to cover up the epidemic), but if the cover up was successful and nothing is found, the player is compensated for the «lies» spread about it, and gains a reputation bonus.

At the end of each year, the player can be presented with several awards based on their performance and management of their hospital. These awards also provides bonuses like additional cash or increased reputation, or penalise the player by deducting cash and lowering reputation. If the player does badly, however, he/she can lose the game, with the game ending with a CGI full motion video. If the player achieves all goals, they are offered a chance to move on to the next level. Theme Hospital Download Torrent.

Theme Hospital Free Download PC Game

Theme Hospital Windows 7 Ita Download Torrent Torrent

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Theme Hospital Free Download Full Version RG Mechanics Repack PC Game In Direct Download Links. This Game Is Cracked And Highly Compressed Game.

Specifications Of Theme Hospital PC Game

Genre : Simulation, Strategy
Platform : PC
Language : English
Size : 118 MB
Publication Type : RePack By RG Mechanics

Theme Hospital PC Game Overview

Theme Hospital Is Developed Under The Banner Of Bullfrog Productions For Microsoft Windows. It Is Released On 31st March 1997 And Electronics Arts Published This Game.

Theme Hospital PC Game Is Eccentrically Funny And It Does Contain Somewhat Dark Humor. In This Game The Players Move From Hospital To Hospital And Create Those Conditions Which Will Attract The Patients For The Treatment. You Will Have To Get Their Complaints, Illnesses, Emergencies And Diseases Seriously And Then Treat Them Well So That It Attracts Other People. You Cannot Control The People But You Can Create That Environment Which Suits Them Better.

In Each Level You Are Given A Free Space. Where You Have To Build The Hospital And Other Facilities. You Will Be Starting From A Scratch And Then Build Some Amazing Hospital So That Your Career Goes Successful. There Are Four Different Categories For Rooms Which Include Diagnosis, Clinics, Treatment And Facilities. These Rooms Work According To Their Functions Such As Diagnosis Will Diagnose The Disease In The Patients. So All In All This Game Is A Very Busy And Exciting Game.

Features Of Theme Hospital PC Game

Following Are The Main Features Of Theme Hospital That You Will Be Able To Experience After The First Install On Your Operating System.

Download Theme Hospital Windows 10

It’s A Commendable And Fun Filled Simulation Game.
It Stimulates Your Business Skills.
It Has Many Levels To Play With Different Conditions.
Four Different Types Of Rooms.
It Has A Handful Amount Of Dark Humor.

System Requirements Of Theme Hospital PC Game

Minimum System Requirements

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Processor: INTEL 2 GHz Dual Core
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 500 MB free

Recommended System Requirements

OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Processor: INTEL 2.4 GHz Dual Core
RAM: 1.5 GB
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Hard Drive: 500 MB free

Click On Below Button Link To Theme Hospital Free Download Full PC Game. It Is Full And Complete Game. Just Download, Run Setup And Install. No Need To Crack Or Serial Number Or Any Key. Start Playing After Installation. We Have Provided Direct Links Full Setup Of This Game.

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